Below are some changes that were made to the clinic to follow the guidelines set out by my governing college and the Ministry of Health for the re-opening of clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic.
All patients will be instructed to use hand sanitizer and wear a face mask during their chiropractic treatment. We would greatly appreciate it if you can supply your own mask in order to preserve our limited supply of face masks. If you don't have a mask, I will provide one for you.
Infection control has always been a top priority in my practice, and I have implemented even more stringent measures both in the treatment room and in common areas, such as frequently disinfecting high touch surfaces.
Appointments will be managed to allow for physical distancing between patients. Please allow for more time before and during your appointment.
We will minimize patients in the clinic by asking you to message the clinic when you arrive and wait in your car. I will call you in when I am ready to see you
Once you are in the clinic, you will be asked to complete a screening questionnaire and your temperature will be taken.